(+91) 787 384 3790

Transcription & Subtitling

Transcription and subtitling are essential tools for enhancing global communication, and our company excels in delivering top-quality services in this domain. With meticulous attention to detail, we transcribe audio and video content accurately, making it accessible to diverse audiences. Our expert subtitling further ensures that language is no longer a barrier, enabling our clients to reach a wider global audience and foster meaningful connections. Through our commitment to precision and excellence, we empower businesses to expand their reach and grow on the global stage with utmost quality and service.

How It Works

Material Review

We thoroughly assess the audio or video content to be transcribed, considering factors such as language, accents, background noise, and special terminology.


Our skilled transcribers accurately convert spoken content into written text, capturing dialogue, nuances, and context to ensure a faithful representation.


We add precise timestamps at regular intervals, synchronizing the transcribed text with the corresponding moments in the audio or video.

Quality Check

A dedicated QA team reviews the transcription to ensure accuracy, completeness, and adherence to any client-specific guidelines.

Subtitle Creation

For subtitling, we meticulously break down the transcription into concise, readable segments, ensuring synchronization with on-screen actions and timing.

Translation (if needed)

If the content is in a different language, professional translators render the transcript accurately into the target language while retaining context.

Subtitle Timing

We meticulously time the subtitles to appear and disappear at appropriate intervals, considering reading speed and on-screen relevance.

Subtitle Placement

Our experts ensure optimal subtitle placement that doesn't obscure essential visuals, providing a seamless viewing experience.

Quality Assurance

A thorough review of the subtitled content is conducted to ensure accuracy, synchronization, and overall coherence of the subtitles.

Formatting and Delivery

We format the subtitles according to client requirements and deliver the final product in the desired file format for easy integration.

Client Feedback Incorporation

We welcome client feedback and make necessary adjustments to further enhance accuracy and alignment with client expectations.

Adaptation for Different Platforms

If required, we adapt subtitles for various platforms and devices, ensuring compatibility and optimal viewer experience.

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